The beginning. Let me have a summary of who am I. I am an ordinary boy who was enrolled by Northern University of Malaysia (UUM) as a Bachelor of Business Administration student. I came from a lovely place that is full with traffic jams and a place where you will go out for entertainment mostly every night. That is Klang, Selangor. I’m an April baby, and seriously April sounds so Taurus.
Being Independent, what is this really means? It started when I’m enrolled into a place called UUM, Sintok Kedah. For your information, UUM is a place that is located deep inside Kedah and it is called as “Jungle University” meaning to say UUM is a university that is located within jungles. Despite that, I started buying stuffs for me to live here before I came in, living alone here, being independent here and the most terrifying case is living with anonymous here.
Being independent, I’m separated from my friends and families. I have to suit myself here because the place here was damn far from my hometown. I was so sad and seriously I hate having the separating feelings. I have to cope myself and know what is like to live by myself here, detergents, washing machine, hanging the clothes. And I have to be alert when is it going to rain some more. But I know deep inside my heart my families are supporting and encouraging me far away there. I often call them as a learning-to-be-independent child so that they know I’m safe here. I’ll surely say : “Don’t bully Jenny (My younger sister). Take care over there.” I miss them so much. I can’t wait to meet them during this mid semester break.
Being independent, I realize that networking is a very important thing when you are living alone here like me. Friends do really help a lot whenever I’m having miserable time here and they will share your happiness with you when you are happy too. I met friends here that are really good. What I’m thinking is that “True friends are like gold, found everywhere; fake friends are like stone, found everywhere”. Be true and nice to everyone, what goes around will come around. “Be yourself and you can live your very own life”, this is what I meant.
Being independent, I joined activities here too. I believe that by joining activities, I can develop myself in a way of developing my independent skill too. This will surely enhance my soft skills. I’m learning to be proactive, I’m learning the way to approach people without any hesitation, and I’m trying to do everything with my own effort now. Be independent!
I believe that I’ll be an independent person in a way that I’ll be able to settle my own problems, own things, own life nicely. I wish to be another me, I’m trying to make my future brighter. Lastly, I would end it with a word, ‘Perseverance’ meaning to say that never give up no matter how many times you’d failed. Be yourself.
By 206093