It’s been a while. I've been busy, please forgive me. A lot of things have been running through my head lately. I feel like I'm a living monitor sometimes. Too many input less output but then anyway the reason why I neglect you these days is because I went for a trip to the zoo with my little rascal brother. It’s entertaining, pleasuring and here, I've posted a picture of him with his strong muscular buddy, Mr. Elephant or Miss. Elephant. Only God knows.
Elephant as we all can acknowledge is one of the largest mammoth apart from whale and dinosaurs. You have to admit they are pretty large and scary sometimes but then most of the time they are cunning and an interesting creature. Some people love and adore them, even worship them and some are a total scardy-pants when we mention about elephant. Imagine what will happen to this kid if he was squished by this elephant just like a little innocent bug. 'DEATH' is the only word that will appear in one’s head apart from a total bone crushed. K.O. Nonetheless I hope it will not happen because this kid in this picture is my little brother, Nazrul. He's totally afraid of the elephant. HAHA.. Scardy-pants.
Anyway, like I said just now some adore them, worship them and loved them for that matter but some cared less about them. Wealth is what they saw upon laying their sights on this magnificent figure. The tusk of an elephant cost is like a treasure pit. Very much expensive, indeed. These animals are hunted and killed just to earn their tusks. One tusk can cost hundreds of USD when sold in the black market. Imagine just for a silly old tusk, this ancient animal is killed mercilessly. They deserve to live like those greedy poachers too. They too are God's greatest creation apart from us, human beings.
Right! Enough with all these ramblings. Straight to the main story! Well as you can see this picture pretty much shows you that this kid over here is actually standing in front of the elephant, well he's shivering actually. He's pretty much afraid with everything larger than him including me. HAHA.. I actually forced him to feed the elephant. The elephant over there too keep on blabbing “FEED ME! FEED ME! FEED ME!!”. I wanted to feed him or her, too busy capturing pictures not noticing what gender that elephant was or listening to what the zookeeper was saying sorry, but I was too in love with my CANON camera, you heard me right MY CAMERA, capturing happy moments like this. Hehe.. The downfall moments where we can recall back happily and tease him mercilessly. So you now know that I am an 'innocent soul sister'. Haha.. Yes, I am. Haha..
After a few scolding and persuading him, he finally victoriously fed the elephant with proud. Feeling relief for a while an idea came upon my head and I asked him nicely.. Ahemm.. “Nazrul, pat the elephant!!!” Very nice indeed. He was like 'NO WAY!' He shrugged his head but then I asked him again even nicer, “Nazrul! Pat the elephants, NOW! Please.” His face changed all the sudden. The relief and relaxed face muscle tensed up again due to my 'sweet orders'. Well you know as a sister we have to talk nicely to order our little brother or sister. Hehe..
He really did do it before running away for ten miles, I say. No, just kidding but he did ran away after petting the elephant once. It took him quite a while just to hold that so called 'tiny creature'. I cannot even recall how many times I've ordered him to pet it. ‘Oopsy daisy’. Yeah, I admit, it was really hard making this 6 year old boy pet the elephant. Authority power and voice power has to be used in this critical situation. Hehe..
Seriously, come on be frank with me. What can this girl do? Err.. reffering to the elephant okay. Now assume, this elephant is a girl elephant. She's chained with all those metal chains, chained at her shelter place. Pheww. . Lots of chains, right? She can't even move more than that. Believe me it’s the gospel truth. Though we know that elephant can easily pull a tree trunk with all the roots attached to the ground easily but then cannot even free themselves from such tiny chains. Unbelievable, right?
Well, there’s always the gospel truth behind everything. The zookeeper who had been standing there for a period of time trying to persuade my little brother to hold the elephant said that the elephants have been chained since they were still young. It’s pretty much hard to escape from those gigantic sized chains when they we're young actually, so eventually when they grew older and a totally lot bigger in size they still have the same impression that they cannot break free because of those metal chains attached to their feet. Unbelievable right? Uh, by the way sorry to mister zookeeper because I snap shot your feet only. I know you're handsome but I was too preoccupied with my job thus not having the urge to capture your dashing smile and face. Sorry again sir zookeeper!
I actually felt sorry for her and them, the elephant herd being chained at such young aged. Come to think of it, I too hate it when my parents controlled me. Thanked God I'm 19 already and all the decision is on my hand. Er, not all anyway but mostly they let me make my own choice. Most importantly, my own choice of husband to be. Haha. Shuhh.. Still early to think all those things because you've just started your first semester, Alyie! Imagine your whole life being in the same place, waking at the same place, eating the same stuff and most importantly not being able to move freely as you wished is a total nut case for me. I crave for new environment, new place and new people to learn and also explore. Thus, I really pity them. If I can do anything to help you, I'll do it! Elle, be strong. Once again please refer to the elephant in the picture which is now named Elle. Gosh. Similarities in our name, one is Alyie and the other one is Elle. No wonder I loved her she's my precious pet! Haha, kidding.
Well back to the picture here. Displaying how happy my brother is after unwillingly abide my rules and regulations. He's smiling ever so happily completing the task without failure. Urgh, yeah right, as if. Look at his innocent face smiling at the ground, that mischievous look saying that 'I just did what you said, Ha!Ha!' Hmm.. Just wait and see my little brother because I shall return home this Aidilfitri and make your life miserable. Bwahaha. Opps. After torturing you later I'll forgive you. Haha.. It should be the other way around right? Okay, sorry for making fun of you and toying you now but this is the only chance I got before you start growing older and taller hence, bullying me back. Gosh. Please note that this is all a typing error that I willingly do not want to cancel. Oh my God. I totally forgot to tell you this. Ah guys’ attention please, notices that he's wearing somewhat that looks like a rope near his neck. Well he's wearing a nametag because he's one of the lucky students who got the chance to follow his school's trip. Er, rephrase back kinder garden’s trip to the zoo. Yippi yaiyee!
Anyway it's a pleasuring trip for me because I got to torture him and I guess he's pleased as well because he had the opportunity to travel at such a young age. It's not fair during kinder garden the one place I used to go is ' back to kinder garden and home trip'. Urgh. For your information he also got a cell phone on his own. It's totally unfair!! I only got one when I was like 13. Look how ICT had done to this world. Even though we're just a decade apart there are so many differences in our era. Anyhow no matter how much I envy him, I loved him more than I love myself because for me there's nothing more important than family whom is my treasure and also my life. Sorry Elle, family comes first dear! Sorry readers would really love to tell you more about the trip but I got to go. Mom's calling for me. Dinner I'm coming and shuuhhh.. Stomachs, please behave! Haha.. Until later then mates, bye! Take care of yourself okay? Eat well, sleep well!
By 207816