Question: do you love to sleep? My answer is yes. Well, being a student, you might think “of course she loves to sleep with all the late night study sessions and busy schedule.” But in my case is no, I love to sleep because of the dreams. I am a self proclaimed passionate dreamer. I’m the girl that each time I lay my head for a nap that I am bound to dream of something. It is that easy for me to dream and I love every single minute of it. Not to blow my own horn or anything, but if dreaming were to made an Olympic sport, I surely can win Malaysia’s first gold medal!
My dreams are always so vivid and colorful. Surprisingly, the main characters would always be my friends with a mix of cartoon characters. Once, I dreamed that my friends and I are actually Thundercats (it is a cartoon back in the 90s) and we were off to save the world from Japanese occupation. I have no idea how my brain could somehow muster that up. And just last night, I had a funny dream about aliens attacking UUM and that all the PALAPES and I had to fight off the aliens while the rest of people cower in the FSKP building. It kind of amazes me that in my dream, there is always someone or something wanting to take over the world and I would always act as the superhero.
Nightmares are something that I truly enjoy because in my standpoint, nightmares are actually me starring on my own horror movie! Since I may never be in a starring role of the next upcoming “Pontianak” movie, I might as well enjoy my nightmares. There is one particular nightmare that until now I can remember clearly. It starts off with an innocent night of me babysitting my baby cousins, the next thing I knew, the babies turned ugly and decided to eat me. The nightmare quickly turned bloody and gory! One baby was chewing on my ear and another had a surprisingly great strength and had ripped my arms off! Nowadays, every time I see an infant, I would be reminded of the cannibal babies. I also have regretfully avoided any babysitting jobs.
Dreaming without a doubt actually inspires me. This is because when you dream, you can do almost everything that in reality you only thought you are not capable enough. My dreams let me found my inner Jimi Hendrix. It was a year ago that I had dreamt that I was rocking out with a guitar on stage in front of a massive crowd together with my favorite band Paramore. The dream had made a big impact on me where I realized that I do not have to be just another avid music listener, but I can be a musician as well. I quickly got myself my own guitar and started to learn how to play it. Now, I have been rocking out with my friends and I’m content that I made the decision to literally follow my dreams.
Despite the fact that I love to dream, it never escapes my mind that reality is what I’m living for. My dreams are fun but if the dreams happened in reality, it will be far more awesome.
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