The horror moment has return! EXAM!!!
Firstly note that in life everything is all about temptations.
Exams are like ‘ais kacang’ for some people but for most of us they’re like an art.
Wonder why?
Hmm.. The fact is not everyone is artistic and good in drawing or even coloring.
But the thing is this art I’m referring is nonetheless, sculpturing.
You can get molds of clay at any cost but making a sculpture by mold is not easy as ABC without any effort.
You can look at it, throw it, stab on it, or even kick it but then to make out something from it, you need effort! I repeat back EFFORT!!!
Some might stress out during the process of molding and sculpturing but the point is it’s not the end result that is the key factor but rather the process of making it is the key to success.
If you take your time, be passionate about it, carefully sculpture it and giving a 101% focus on it, they’ll turn into a masterpiece! You’ll be fond doing it the 2nd time.
It’s all about learning from scratch. Be passionate when learning something new. Exams are all about what you have learned and what you have been exposed to. BE EAGER TO LEARN!! BE POSITIVE!!
The thing that makes exam a ‘killer’ is because people tend to lose interest in learning thus forgetting the things that they used to know.
Do not ever think exams as burden!! They’re not heavy plus not even hard to carry! They stick in your mind like sticky-notes! Once the glue dries off, it fell so take note and glue them regularly. In other words try to recall back about them before you go to sleep, when staring at the blank ceiling and so forth.
What I’m saying is, take time to develop your interest and understand what you’re learning. When you like and understand what you’re learning the process of studying is easy as pie.
You can get 101 tips about how to score well in exams but the thing is you must know the way.
You can follow all the tips you’ve obtain but sometimes it turns out a total failure.
So in order to become an excellent student:
1. Avoid stressing out! Stress is a good thing because it motivates you to move on but too much stress and too little time can cause a mental breakdown. You can read the whole book just to pass the exams but still there might be possibilities of you forgetting what you have read. So to avoid this, practice what you have learn and speak it out loud just like a teacher teaching a student. Repeat back the sentence and explain to your teddy or pillow what it is. Define it clearly until you understand. You will enjoy learning although it feels weird and silly talking alone. 78% of knowledge is in your hand when you practice like this.
2. Do not ever think that you can remember everything! Your brain is not a computer. Even computer sometimes crash and the data when missing. Your brain is more likely like a pencil. You need to sharpen it in order to use it and get beautiful writings but then when you’re too lazy to sharpen it; they’ll give a dull result.
3. Just think exams as a platform for you to test your IQ. If you can score, it doesn’t mean you’re clever or if you fail, it doesn’t mean you’re stupid but the thing is it’s showing you that ‘THE EFFORT YOU’RE POURING ON THAT SUBJECT!!’. You don’t have to study 3 days straight just to prove your effort that’s more like you’re torturing yourself but the thing is study adequately. Take 15 minutes break after an hour of studying or take 5 minutes break after ½ an hour of studying. The gap is for your brain to analyse the data. Even computers need time to process data, buffering; tut.. tut.. tut..
4. Do not ever panic! When you’re panic, though you’re reading it’s like you’re just staring! Its fact. Try to chill and take a deep breath. Think about songs or any memories that can take you of the panicking emotions. When you’re relaxed, knowledge flows like water! It’s a miracle!!
5. Most importantly, do not forget your love ones especially you’re family. Study because you want to prove that Mama’s boy or Daddy’s girl is proud to have them as parent! When you succeed remember that your parent is the one that will be proud of you. Most importantly it’s the efforts that count not the result! If you did not succeed also, though you work hard your parents would still be proud of you too because you don’t procrastinate and work hard to make them proud it’s just that luck is not by your side. So take note later try even harder!!
6. Lastly, remember that failure is not the end. It’s the beginning of a new start. If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail! So make up a study schedule and strive for success. Research has shown that when you listen to music when you’re studying, they are more chances for you to succeed but then again it depends on people. Choose the best way to study for exams.
All means measure have been proclaimed, so now it’s up to you to decide the best way for you to strive for the stars!! After the exams, just hope for the best! Pray to god for A’s!!!
Work hard, play hard, study smart!!
Good luck! =)
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