Happy Chinese New Year to all...
May this year bring prosperous health and wealth to all Chinese and also not forgetting the rest ethnic groups !!!
2012 is said to be the year of "Black Dragon" based on the Chinese Lunar Calendar...

thus, we would like to expose all readers about the history and origin of the Chinese New Year and its horoscope...
Chinese New Year is the first day of the lunar month of Chinese calendar. This celebration is usually celebrated between 20th January to 20th February of the Gregorian calendar yearly...
Since the chinese were the Agrarian Society thousand years back, thus the government announced annual calendar for all farmers.
The calendar consisted the solar, lunar and weather information for them (farmers) to know when to seed, plant, harvest and when to work, rest, pray and celebrate their activities.
Then, the farmers celebrated their achievement for the past year, and appreciated reward given from god... This celebration is now known by all human race as Chinese New Year...
As for the horoscope,
the dragon is said to be a legendary creature which symbolizes power. well,now you people would realize this is why the emperors liked to wear imperial robes with dragon symbol!
The years of dragon which occurs every twelve years can be one of four dragon ;
this will be an "angry dragon" year (the other
types are cheerful, yielding, and flying skyward).
An angry dragon year
: friends will be very loyal and supportive, but enemies will be more dangerous than usual.
Before wrapping up this month's discussion, we (all the ELC members) would like to wish all a prosperous Chinese New Year to all!!! May the year of "Black Dragon" offer great wealth and health as well as good luck in whatever you people do...
~make sure you all get lots of 'angpau" and the juicy mandarin oranges~ :)