Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Happy Eid Mubarak and Happy Independence Day Malaysia!!!

Hello everyone!! It’s like forever since we updated this blog right?
Please, proceed backwards a bit since there hundreds of dust-bunnies here.
We need to wipe out some first before we can continue.
.....wiping in progress...... wallah!! Clean and crystal clear!
Alright then, shall we proceed? ;)
Anyway, what have you been up to lately?
Did you enjoy your holidays?
Hopefully you did because soon, the new semester and intake will come forth and there will be a lot fighting and candle light burning in the midnight until the next holidays.
Nonetheless, we ELC would like to welcome the new intake students!!!
In addition, welcome back home UUM citizens to Sintok!
Well then without further due, this month blog is basically about the Muslim’s events which are Happy Fasting Season and Happy Eid Mubarak!!
Most importantly, our Independence Day falls on this month!! MERDEKA!!!
Ramadhan is the 9th month of Islamic calendar.
Ramadhan is known as the noblest month of all months because on this month the Holy Al-Quran was bestowed to our Great Prophet Muhammad SAW.
In the month of Ramadhan, all Muslims have to fast from dawn to dusk approximately 13 hours without foods or drinks or smoke or anything that can forfeit their fast.
The main reason for these constraints are not to abuse the law of nature but actually to have a better understanding regarding Islam and its way of life.
When a Muslim fast, he becomes aware of the hardship the poor has to endure their whole life; whether its foods, drinks, or excessive enjoyment that can be normally done during the other months is forbidden during this month.
In addition, besides understanding the suffering of the poor, one learns the meaning of patience, spirituality, humility, and submissiveness to God.
Not forgetting August is the month of our Independence Day, so as Malaysians we have to be proud of what the country has achieved.
For the past 54 years, Malaysia has undergone is astonishing whether it is in trade, economics, developments, educations, literature, arts, culture and etc.
We should appreciate and always treasure the sacrifices and the hardship the old generations had to go through just for us, the new generations to live in a world without restraints as a free man.
Therefore, as Malaysians, whatever our race we should preserve the independence that we had gained a long time ago and unite in making Malaysia the best among the best!
Proud to be Malaysian!!
Happy Eid Mubarak!! Happy Independence Day!!
Enjoy life the fullest!
Play hard, work hard, study smart!! :D