Hi there!! How ‘d d partner??
What have you guys been up to lately?
Studying for exams?? Gaming?? Well who knows..
But for start we from English Language Club, ELC wishes you good luck!!
May all of us score well!
Holidays nearby, so what are you planning to do then??
Why not do something meaningful like brush up your skills or well... try to work or something like that instead of staying home doing nothing, getting cuter by time and much more.
I’m not saying it’s wrong staying at home but seriously, you got to be serious. I mean approximately 3 months at home doing nothing apart from sleeping, watching the television, eating, playing games or tediously surf the internet especially facebook and youtube is totally absurd!
Come on people this is the time to brush up your dull skills, search for things that can increase your marketability in the future. Seriously, you have to keep in mind that later onwards when you graduate there are tonnes more, I mean thousands more who will graduate with you and etc. Apart from that, you have to not only compete with your friends but also with the seniors, those whom graduated from diploma and those whom returned back to Malaysia after years of studying abroad.
See, can you imagine how hard it is to get a successful work if you can’t distinct yourself from thousands of other people.
Therefore, bear in mind there is no longer the meaning of relaxing because you, yourself have to work hard to achieve greatness you wish in life. God never say that life is simple, but He also never says for us to give up. We ourselves are the ones who can change our future. You might say that the future is already written for us but since we do not know it, why don’t we make it as our own resolve to have a better future.
God never say life is easy but He never says life is hard. We are the ones that assume all those things. Just take a few minutes and think, why there are diversification of knowledge and why can’t we master in all those? Well, apparently who said we can’t master in it, well I didn’t and so should you. I’m just saying that its impossible to be the master of everything since life is too brief and knowledge is worlds apart from the depth to the earth’s crust to the seven sky.
Just think about it for a second, how did Ibn Sina wrote a whole book about the human’s body part without using all the complex equipment we have invented nowdays? How did he know all those when there are too little help back then? Plus, how come we only know now when back then there was nothing but he already knew and wrote a book about it.
How did Al-Kwarizmi learn Algebra and mathematicians prove that his theory was right after years of studies? What distinct him from them? They learn the same thing but why only now he’s theory was proven right. Why did we take such a long time to understand what they understand back then?
Please bear in mind that I am not promoting any form of religious act but its just a few example that becoming one of the great mind is not impossible but possible. All you need is to dedicate all your life in learning and continue learning because knowledge is prodigious. What I’m saying is that its not impossible to learn but it takes great effort to gain new knowledge. If we study their life journey, all I can conclude that they travel everywhere to gain for a piece of knowledge from here and there. That shows how much they are dedicated in learning which I think I am not qualified to be compare off with them since its worlds apart.
One of Malaysia’s great leader and mind is Tun Sri Dato’ Dr. Mahathir Mohammad, our former prime minister. Well, far mostly I’m not talking about politics but his insight regarding Wawasan 2020 and Look East Policy or dasar pandang ke timur. Of all the country during that time have you ever wonder, why did he choose Japan?Why not the States? How did he know Japan will be a great nation and country in the future even though naturally we all know that Japan is not a big country at all? Why did during his regime he choose that Malaysia should become a developing country instead of what we are back then? Plus, did you guys notice that during his regime, Malaysia was actually developing aggressively and even the economic was booming. Many people think he was actually out of his mind deciding that Malaysia should manufacture cars but in the end we all can see the results right? Malaysian people loves car and rank quite a place in the chart.
Well anyway, I’m not trying to criticise or anything but it’s just an example showing how great minds and insight change the world in every particular aspects. Maybe he sees beyond what everyone sees at that time. Japanese people are well known for their dedication in working hard for their emperor. They live and die for their country. So maybe Tun Sri wanted us to follow their principle. Japanese people also prove that even though they are a small country but they have big hearts and will. They work whole-heartedly. Maybe Tun Sri wanted us, Malaysians to work hard like them because in real life Malaysia is still bigger than Japan but why is it hard for us to follow their steps and their achievements? Nothing is impossible and Japan has prove that. They are well known for their advance technology and critical thinking skills. Why is it impossible for us to follow them? Its not impossible but because we ourselves have no guts to change ourselves thus we continue to live in the past. Malaysia might be well developed already but the society living in it is still the same back then. If we don't put our differences behind our back, we can never change for the best that life can gives us.
So learn all the new things you wish to learn. There's no boundary between you and knowledge except you, yourself. Be dedicated in learning so because life is all about learning. Great mind comes from people whom love knowledge and learning. It doesn't have to be in form of books or scientific education but in the form of skills, communication proficiency and so much more. Do not judge before fully understand a certain situation. We always leap before we think and that is totally wrong. Do not follow your lust or ego but follow your heart and mind. Lastly, do you have what it takes to change for the better future?
Fuhh, I did lecture because this entry are two pages long!.. Haha, anyway thanks for spending a few minutes reading it. Hopefully, it helps you by giving you some information and broadens a bit your scope of view. If there’s will there’s way!! Good luck and have fun!! J